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Sarah schrijft een mail aan haar beste vriendin. Ze vertelt haar over de vakantie. Vul de mail aan.

Hi there!

I just (want) to let you know I (arrive) home safely yesterday. It (be) a long trip all the way from the south of France and we (be) all very tired.
We (have) a great time. We (stay) at a big campsite near the beach. I (go) surfing and swimming. My family (go) for a long walk almost every day.
But I do not like walking that much, so I usually (do) not go with them. Do you like walking? I also (meet) a lot of people and (make) lots of friends.
We (promise) each other to keep in touch and we (exchange) addresses and telephone numbers (= wisselden adressen en telefoonnummers uit). I also (find) out (= kwam tot de ontdekking) I really enjoy cooking! I always (think) I did not like it, but I do. I (go) to the supermarket every day, (buy) the best ingredients and (cook) delicious meals. So every day I (eat) my favourite food: lots of fresh salads and french fries. Anyway. How (be) your holiday?
